Tuesday, 25 August 2009


Like a blind man, slowed by care
we tentatively shuffle, too aware
Doom and gloom! It might go wrong
We tell ourselves, and creep along.
Like a Tortoise , within our shell
peeping out, if all goes well

If we're the tortoise, she's the hare
covering ground without a care
To watch her soar; to watch her run
it's clear to all who really won
She'll see it all! All the sights
From ancient ruins to city lights.

She's never beat and never lost
never cold in morning frost
she wraps that smile round her face
To keep her warm in every place.


Nina Jørgensen said...

You've got wanerlust?! Lets go somewhere! Love the poem, always sounds just perfect!

ronkeytonk said...

I have wanderlust often, but the poem is about you taur-face! The last verse is about folkestone hehe

Nina Jørgensen said...

:D I love it!