Sunday, 17 May 2009

Return of the king

It was the best of times, itr was the worst of times... depending on your social status of course. We could all do with a second home to bury our heads in right now. Guy fawkes had the right idea, i'll clebrate bonfire night well and truly this year, in due to what was so close to been accomplished not due to the punishment and 'justice'.

London was burning, in a bygone time
Not so now, the flood is here
A city swimming, drenched in crime
...and the weak drown in fear.

Discontent creeps in, alongside mistrust
Cos when the top rains down
the sturdy framework, begins to rust
A penny for a frown...

...the bankers would scream, this was their decree
so Guy Fawkes please return
The bankers mantra's shared by the MP old Guy, let it burn!

1 comment:

Nina Jørgensen said...

Nina likes this! London's burning!