Thursday 9 April 2009


Well, i'm back in York. It's...wet and grey, yet rather cosy. Although i'm struggling to find things to bury my head in, tried to submerge in my work but suffocated, cloughed and spluttered and ran away red cheeked. Tonight shall be a jolly night, a live band and a cocktail bar : ) Seems strange having such exotic drinks under a heavy, grey sky. Still i can bury my head in the cocktails.

Hard of hearing, with failing eyes
& numb throughout my temper flies
with flailing wings it hits the floor
left behind. I crawl for the door
but once escaped & once set free
back insides where i long to be
broken judgement and clouded mind
a once great deal left unsigned
words not spoken, feelings kept in
brings the silence, that heavy din
of a far off laugh heard before
from that old room
across the corridor.